Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bible Story

I'm so spiritually happy (I guess that could also be described as joyful :) right now! During my reading, I found a verse to teach to my children. I went in to teach it and saw that I had a captive audience ~ So, I then taught them Romans 8 about our two natures. They listened and seemed to understand.
Thank you, Lord for giving that precious moment to me! <><


Mari said...

That's awesome! Praise God...He is good.

Tracy said...

Praise the Lord......thise moments truly are ones to cherish!

Karen Hossink said...

Thanking God for captive audiences and teachable moments!

Stacey said...

That is such a good praise! The pics are cute, too.

The McKays said...

wonderful! good job seeing the teachable moment for your girls. they are so beautiful. oxox