Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"Some just eat the seed and never sow it for a harvest." This is taken from the Beth Moore "Stepping Up" study I am doing on my own.
"Sometimes we don't even realize the difference. We'll think we accepted the teaching (the seed, the word of God) because we were so moved by it. But you see, the seed of God's Word can fill our stomachs and give us immediate satisfaction and still not produce a harvest -- that's when we eat it but don't sow it." (taken without permission from Beth Moore's study mainly because I don't really know how to go about getting such permission and I didn't want to murder it by re-wording it. So, all credit to her and her wonderful study!!!)

But, I'm really chewing on this today. I have written before how we can hear hundreds of sermons and basically remain unchanged. I understand this now because of the visual of what we are doing with that seed.... that word of the LORD!!! I so want to plant it in good soil and nurture it so that it can produce a harvest. My harvest would look like the fruits of the spirit fleshed out in my day to day struggle. Instead, I feel like I have all this information sitting in my stomach wondering why it's not working!

God, I absolutely want to sow your word into a productive harvest that will set me free. I don't want to eat the seed in an instant, impulsive gratifying fix. I want to patiently endure as Your Promises take root in my life! Amen


Mari said...

I, too, Have played the gluton. Sit and eat but never produce any fruit from it. hmm...convicting.

km said...

I do get that...but you're probably doing more than you give yourself credit for.

I did a Fruit of the Spirit study for my kids last summer. I got all the color pages from DaniellesPlace dot com. They really enjoyed it. And I got the idea from a friend to reward their 'fruity' behavior. Whenever I caught them being kind, gentle, patient, etc...they got a pompom to fill their jar. (looked kind of like a fruit salad) when the jar was full...the got a treat...out to frozen yogurt with mom. I really need to get back to this. They are so much better when I reward the good.

shanna said...

I too struggle with getting stuck in the same spiritual rut. This brings a lot of insight as to why.

Unknown said...

I loved this part of the study soo much! I remember just thinking how much I LOVED this truth and I wanted to be a sower of the Word - not just a consumer. Sooo good!
love you