Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Robitussin Cough & Cold (NIGHTTIME)

My children are BED SLEEPERS. Since they were babies, they wanted the crib. Falling asleep in front of the TV or laying on the couch or anywhere other than their beds NEVER happens. So, with that said, this was a shock for us. Kenna would have done this at the dinner table if we let her, but we excused her from the table and when we all finished this is how we found her. The Nightime Cough and Cold syrup works!

Isn't she sweet? I needed to have a tender moment like this one (even if it was induced with a little medicine.)


Chelle said...

Ah, sweet girl! Hope she's feeling better!!

Mari said...

I love those sweet moments...they tend to wash away the not so sweet moments from the day.
Hope everyone starts feeling better soon.

Connie said...

Be SOOOO glad it works on your girls. It makes Caleb HYPER. I gave it to him once...and he was literally JUMPING around his room and screeching at 2:00 am.
And yes...she looks absolutely sweet!

~just me~ said...

aw, poor baby. hope she feels better soon.

so sweet!

Mimi said...

Remember how your Daddy has always said that he loved it when you all had about 100 degree temp, because you would slow down and let him hold you for a long time......just a little sick, but not too sick!!

Mimi said...

Remember how your Daddy has always said that he loved it when you all had about 100 degree temp, because you would slow down and let him hold you for a long time......just a little sick, but not too sick!!