Friday, February 8, 2008

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength

I am in awe of our God this morning. I brought before Him my grief and dispair and whining and within seconds, I had tears of Joy streaming down my face. I've been longing to feel HIS Joy for a long time. Wow, Thank you, God!!!! You've blown me away this morning! To You be ALL Glory. How exciting to have something so positive to post. After all the complaining and depression on each post, I finally have nothing but good to say!!!! What an answer to prayer from my weary soul!


~just me~ said...

how fun! i love when God does that! Isn't he wonderful? :)

jennyhope said...

what is the fusion conference...just curious?

jennyhope said...

I hope I didn't offend you I was just saying that I really agree with James Mac and Dr. Al Mohler on the emerging church. I don't doubt their sincerity. =)

Chick4Christ said...

hey, i'm not sure if you know me or not, but i go to precept, the one who lived with shanna..

anyways, thank you for sharing this :) I love it when God can turn our mourning into laughing!!

Chelle said...

Hooray! This is me, this is me doing cartwheels (but only in my mind since I'm pregnant) for you. :)

Chick4Christ said...

thank you! :)
I am soo thankful God rescued me at such a young age though! If He would've waited any longer i would've been really screwed up even more!! haha.

but thanks for your encouragment!

Emily said...

So happy for your joy! I wish we could sit and have coffee together, don't you? So thankful for this blog though because even though I havn't seen you a several years, I still feel very connected. Remember when we met at mom's group? :) Seems like forever ago! Anyways, love you sister!

Karen Hossink said...

This is great, Rachel.
I caught up on your previous posts and am so glad to know the Lord has brought you to this point today.
In His presence there is JOY. And He has been present even when you were feeling like a failure...Keep your eyes fixed upon Him, my friend.
Love you,

Stacey said...

That's a great praise! I'm happy for your.

shanna said...

I am rejoicing with you!