Friday, February 1, 2008

I'm Here

....feeling like a failure, but I'm here. Feeling like a failure because (which my baby girl used to say "wecuz" and now that she's older which happened in my blogging break, she now says, "because") in my break I intended to spend more time with my girls in hopes of improving on my mothering skills and instead, I just emailed and facebook'ed more. so, I'm back. I'm here. How is everyone? I truly did miss this community. So much, that this morning, I just caught up on all ya'lls blogs, which is why I'm finally posting!!!
I don't have much to say yet, but I'm back and will say something of more worth after I get some rest. Just wanted to say "hi" to ya'll!!!!


shanna said...

we have missed you. I just found out that the child care this semester of precept is for kindergarten and younger...I unless God provides something for Micah (my 8 year old) I won't be able to come:(

We can keep in touch this way though :)

Chelle said...

Welcome back! I've missed you. No need to feel like a failure, just a human in need of a Savior who is rich in the rest of us! :)

Emily said...

hey girl! i've been checking in with you to see if you were back, glad you are! i am sorry about how you are feeling, cry out to God in all your frustrations and in the areas life seems you and praying for you Rachel!