Friday, September 21, 2007

What is Church?

Sept. 21st......Yes, it’s Nick’s birthday and we are currently at a Leadnow conference ( where my brain seems to be on overload. I’m overwhelmed at how much there is to learn about the church, our culture, leadership and ministry altogether. Even walking through all the many booths set up here with the various ministries offered to plug believers in to opportunities for evangelism and what not, I’m quite depressed. There are so many needs. There are so many conferences too where we take notes and stuff ourselves with information of what to do and how to do’s that I just desire heaven. A lifetime is spent learning and applying. Yet, we get distracted and forget that it is all about the great commission to tell others. We overstuff ourselves with great talks and analogies. So, I sit in a very large church feeling overwhelmed.
Conclusion: I need to approach all of this by picturing me alone. Alone with God. Like on an island. I will be accountable to God alone with the growth that does or doesn’t take place in my life. What I do with what I learn is what I’m accountable for. May I handle the Word of the Lord correctly and not falter in the calling He has on my life.
Right now in this surrounding, I want to save the world and bring in many 20 to 30’s and disciple and minister to them. But, I am to faithfully build my home and serve the Lord by serving and teaching and training my children. Oh, how I want and need to count it a joy to be in this place!!! Thank you, Father, for my healthy girls that are little sponges taking in every life lesson I teach. Give me wisdom to make every moment a teachable moment. <><


Anonymous said...

Good for you for being there. It can be overwhelming and stimulating at the same time, causing a great desire to be totally surrendered to His purposes. Tell Nick I am sorry that I forgot to acknowledge his birthday. I was a bit distracted with his girls, doing the Mimi thing all day. It is great that you are open to His leading in even attending such a conference. Blessings upon you as you take it all in and allow Him to apply it to the specifics He has in mind for you.

Karen Hossink said...

We are blessed to be mothers and chosen by God to raise our children to know Him. How exciting it is when He chooses to use us in other ways, too.
Good for you for listening to Him!

You asked about my newsletters...You can sign up for them on my homepage ( If you email me, I will send you a copy of the newsletter I just wrote, which has already gone out to the subscriber list. (

Have a wonderful day!

Kimberly said...

Thank you so much for visiting my blog! The comments you left were so sweet and I look forward to reading more of your blog when I get a chance. That prayer request you mentioned? I'm on it! It makes my day that my blog has allowed me the opportunity to pray for someone new!

Kimberly from Hoping to Bear Fruit

Margaret Feinberg said...

Would you be up for contributing something for Porn Week on my blog? If so, please email me--I'd love to dialogue with you!

Angela Baylis said...


So nice to meet you! I love meeting new friends on the blog! I will be back often to read ...your journal!

Angie xoxo

The McKays said...

thanks for your honesty about where you are spritually and with motherhood. it seems like there is a constant battle for us to want to "do" out of the home, which can be good, but like you said, our first ministry is to our family. and I totally resonate with your thoughts on wanting to reach others for Christ; I have my "I want to save the world" moments, too. :) let's encourage eachother in this; i'm always up for creative ways to connect with others.