Friday, May 14, 2010

Identity Crisis

So, with this move, I knew I'd be getting a new email address as we are switching ISP. It got me thinking of a new email address. Personally, I think my gmail address (also the address for this blog) is way too long and way too complex!) So, I was wanting something like Because Joy is my favorite word. It is what I seek most. Then, I go.... really, is that what I seek most? What about surrender? I love the word SURRENDER. I love what it means.... but then I'm stuck with sounds pretty strange. So, here I am wondering why I care so much about my identity at all. Rider Meyer Girl was good because I love horseback riding, riding bikes, riding a mountain on a snowboard... but now, I run. So, really .. switch it? I wonder if it can't be mores simplistic. or that my identity is so much in HIM that it is
Just things running through my head. Is it pride? I so desire to live my life as a vessel or a channel for others to see Him. This doesn't mean that everything I'm about has to have a "Bible" word with it, but I want to reflect His goodness in my life in all avenues.
When I turned 35 a few weeks ago, I chopped off all my hair, sold my minivan, ran a marathon. Now with all these labels swimming in my head, I have just been concentrating on my identity.

Bottom line.

I am His. He is with ME. He will never leave me. I LONG to please Him. I LONG to be with Him. I LONG to bring GLORY to HIM. So, with all of this said, If I have a new blog with a new address or a new email or a new look, just know that I am actually evaluating my heart and my choices to best accomplish these LONGINGs of mine!!!!


Chelle said...

Amen! Hope everything with the move is going well friend! Great post today :)

Nikkie said...

I like the bottom line.

Love the bottom line for sure.

Christy said...

As you kept saying you Long for this and Long for that... what about one of the last words Longing4Him?

Thanks for sharing, I always love to hear what you have to say. Very encouraging.

Manda said...

The way you analyze an email address sounds like something I would do...
You are cute as a button ~ and you are HIS! Amen to that! :)

Stacey said...

Rachel, I can identify with you here. I will be 35 this week and I actually thought, "I don't have to drive a minivan, do I...?" Coincidentally, I got my hair cut yesterday, too. :)
Life is full of moments of us trying to figure out who we are and where we belong, but you got it right in this post - it is all about us being His!

The McKays said...

Such a great post. We are always reorienting ourselves, aren't we? I'm all for something simple for your email, personally. What did you decide?

Just a Crank said...

you are ... nevermind. You want simple and the end of that sentence would be way too long and mushy! Love you!

Karen Hossink said...

Love your heart, my friend.
And I can't tell you how many times I have wished 'irritable mother' wasn't my email address. Except that it makes people laugh and leads to some fun conversations. *grin*