Friday, January 18, 2008

God is at work

I am seeing God in everything I've been doing these past few days. It's incredible! When I really start to pay attention to the details that He's in, I really feel like my bottom jaw drops.

I've had fun these past few days just reading through other people's blogs. I like to find Him doing great and small things in other people's lives. How encouraging it is tho hear how personal He is with each one of us.

Well, Nick is out of town for 5 days and I usually get scared that it will be a difficult time with me alone with this kiddos for that long. BUT, last night my oldest daughter asked me if I was going to be okay with daddy gone. I said with a Peace from God within, "I think it will be a fine time." It was so cute the way she encouraged me in agreement!!!! So, 4 more days to go!!!!


Chelle said...

What a happy post! It often amazes me how easy it is to find God in the world around us...if we stop long enough and pay attention. You know, stop focusing on "me" for a bit :)

jennyhope said...

i only have my one and today i thought i was going to break down. i guess i just need a break! hope things go is so hard sometimes!!

Dina said...

You'll be JUST FINE...i didn't say it would be EASY.. just fine :)

Karen Hossink said...

Isn't it wonderful when He gives us that peace? And He CAN minister it through our children.
You will make it through these days without hubby. Keep your eyes fixed on HIM.

~just me~ said...

Hi rachel! Thanks for your comment on my blog. so nice to "meet" you, too. :) isn't The Shack awesome!? :)


Mari said...

I will be praying for you...i can really relate to how hard it can sometimes be when my husband isn't around....

Emily said...

By now it is 3 days to go! The days will be blessed, I just know it! You got to hear this testimony I posted on my blog, check it out, I love stories like this.
Love and miss you!

shanna said...

Oh will extra time with your kiddos...I am praying for you to have intimate moments with them!