Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On Hold

Well, I'm home from camp, but taking a few days off.


Jill said...

Hey,I was thinking of your return home and the joy it will be to walk in your house, and have your family back. Routine. Just to have Nick there to be a part of it all will help the weight on your shoulders. Praying for you, and see you soon.

Tracy said...

Yay for you guys! There really is no place like home, huh?

soonercolby said...

Welcome back, friend. I pray that you get renewed and refreshed.

Stacey said...

I hope you are enjoying the comforts of home! I'm getting excited about SA. Can't wait to meet you there!

Karen Hossink said...

Ahhh, to be on hold.
Be sure to let God HOLD you!